Before the pandemic, we worked with seniors living in Memory Care Communities. Now we want to help the families who are alone in taking care of their loved ones and simply doing this from their heart. We understand how difficult this must be and want to share with you what we’ve learned working with the seniors we love.

Patty Sherin
Patty Sherin is a lover of the brick. Patty shares her love of Duplo LEGOⓇ bricks and pieces with seniors and their care partners to practice mindful acceptance, embrace self-care, release expectations and develop good support systems.
Patty has encouraged seniors living with dementia to build with LEGO bricks and pieces as a way to bring out joy and laughter. Prior to the pandemic Patty worked with Memory Care Communities. Now she shares what she’s learned with family caregivers.
As a Certified Caregiver Consultant and creator of Brick By Brick Bonding™ she understands the fatigues and challenges that plague caregivers and have found tips and strategies to help throughout the caregiving journey.
Laura Herman
For years, Laura has enjoyed working with older adults with dementia, their caregivers and family members. Throughout her career she has served seniors in just about every role from direct caregiver to memory care facility administrator. Laura is especially passionate about helping others understand and communicate better with people with dementia. She loves coaching family caregivers directly.
Laura is the author of ABC Dementia, a blog focused on Appreciating Behavioral Communication in Dementia. Connect with Laura for family caregiver support here.

Previous clients
We work with in-home care, senior centers, adult day centers, assisted living facilities, memory care communities, and individual caregivers.
Patty is one of the most energetic, enthusiastic people I have met. Just being around her will energize you and make you feel better. Add LEGOs, and you are certain to re-experience the joy and awe you knew as a child. Take a step toward re-energizing your life, take the chance of playing. I guarantee you will be pleased!
Sharon M.
Founder, Vast Impact
Patty offers a wonderful opportunity for everyone, young and old, to be creative and have fun. We have had her visit our senior community and work with our residents on numerous occasions. We all really enjoy every time we get together and look forward to all the possibilities we can imagine creating with LEGOs.
David S.
Pacifica Mission Villa, CA
I’ve read the early copy of this book. It is the book I wish would have been around when my mother was caring for my grandmother. Packed with information, caring, and practical advice.
Dan M.
Book Patty for Your Next Event
Caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s or dementia can be so hard. My goal is to create a community that supports caregivers in both giving and receiving joyful, compassionate care.
Contact me to speak at your organization or event. You will learn how to embrace self-care, develop good support systems, release expectations, practice mindful acceptance, and more.